Giving Thanks to Mother Earth

If fashion pollutes, it should no longer be called fashion, it should be called pollution.
— Horst Rechelbacer

Horst Rechelbacher founded Aveda in 1978 with a love for the simple beauty of nature and a passion and commitment to caring for the world we live in. He used to say that “love lights up the cells. It’s the most powerful thing.” He was a lifelong student of everything and paid attention to everything in the world around him.

With the 1989 tragic oil spill, Horst took a stand for change to adopt increasingly green practices in sourcing and manufacturing, and Aveda was the first company to sign on the Valdez/Ceres principles of environmental sustainability in 1997.

It wasn’t easy, putting himself and his company on the line, but he eventually changed the face of beauty with the help of activists and Earth Month, and that we can look good, feel good, and most importantly, feel better about the environment. Horst has said to always keep learning and love–that is all there is.

Serve selflessly, seeing our customers as ourselves. Apprentice ourselves with dedication to great teachers and to life itself.
— Horst Rechelbacher

A recommended read: Waking Up In Time by Peter Russell

In this tenth-anniversary edition of his award-winning bestseller, visionary scientist Peter Russell updates his classic manifesto for awakening to the mounting planetary crisis while deepening the connection to inner tranquility. Amid fears of ecological catastrophe and political chaos, this book stands out for its message of sanity and hope.

This article is from the fall issue of OYESPARK.

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