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April is Earth Month at Oyespa Aveda!

2021-04-01 - 2021-04-30

Aved Earth Month 2021 flyer featuring a charity run/walk event. Includes a QR code, event details, charity water information, and an image of someone carrying two large water jugs with a strap. Join our salon community in support of clean water while enjoying fresh air and flaunting your hair color! - OYESPA Aveda Lifestyle | nver Grove Heights, MN

April is Earth Month at Aveda! 🌎⁠
Register for the Earth Month RunWalk. Learn more at https://charitywater.donordrive.com/event/aveda πŸšΆβ€β™€οΈπŸšΆπŸƒβ€β™€οΈπŸƒβ 
785 million people lack basic access to clean and safe drinking water. πŸ’¦ We, along with Aveda corporation and Charity Waters, are on a mission to change that. We believe in a world where everyone has access to clean water. Join us! πŸ’―β 
Once you register, please bring your donation receipt to the store to receive $15 OFF $100 or more towards any Salon/Spa service booked during the month of April at OYESPA. (Limit one redemption per guest. Guest name on the receipt must match the booking name.) 😍⁠
Follow the instructions to download the MoveSpring app, create a profile, participate in the challenge, and chat with other fellow Aveda Earth Month participants. πŸ‘β 
OYESPA Aveda Lifestyle πŸƒβ 
Call: 651-371-9100 πŸ€™β 
Online: oyespa.com πŸ“²β 
#oyespa #aveda #hair #shineaveda #avedaproducts #avedalife #avedastylists #avedabeauty #avedasalon #avedaspa #avedalifestyle #twincities #mn #minnesota #invergroveheights #shoplocal #supportlocal #earthday #earthmonth #avedaearthmonth #runwalk #earthmonthrunwalk #avedacharity #charitywaters #earthmonthleaders oyespa.com⁠


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