Dear God, I pray for patience. And I want it right now!
–Oren Arnold
One of the most difficult virtues of the human condition we face is having more patience. If we realize that patience is a good thing, it can help us to think better, achieve our goals, and care for one another. Having a mindset of perspective when combined with patience offers a powerful way to change your mind and your life.
It has been said that ‘patience is a virtue’ and ‘good things come to those who wait’. Do you get upset when things don’t happen quickly enough for you? Does your impatience cause negative behavior like anger, jealousy, impulsion, sadness, and depression? Have you seen the result of your impatience sabotaging your life?
Patience is defined as “the ability to wait for an expected outcome without experiencing anxiety, tension, or frustration.” It is observing self-restraint under all circumstances, but not necessarily restraining logical action. Patience is further defined as “the state of endurance under difficult circumstances, which can mean persevering in the face of delay or provocation without becoming annoyed or upset; or exhibiting forbearance when under strain.”
Impatience is what occurs when emotions get in the way of our brains. Difficulty can ensue when we want a certain outcome to occur, rather than approaching the situation with acceptance while doing the best we can. Impatience, however, can affect our health and can even accelerate failure.
Patience through perspective is about projecting your mind to the end result in examining our reactions to situations.
When we see the end result in our minds, it can help in readjusting our reactions, giving us a better outlook and encouraging more positive behavior.
Patience is often described as a core virtue in religion or spiritual practices. At its core, the theme is the co-existence of evil and God and the application of patience is highlighted as the antidote to the earthly struggles caused by that co-existence, enduring near-apocalyptic calamities without losing patience or reproaching Divine Providence.
The Indian Vedas use the word Kshama, a Sanskrit term, to describe patience. It is a very complex term though that includes not only patience and self-restraint, but also forgiveness. Also, it is not something you can learn or receive from another. Rather, it is acquired by self-effort through facing life experiences. When Kshama disappears, disturbance and decline set in. Interestingly, it is acquired during adverse circumstances, those events and curveballs in our lives. Perhaps this is because live events have a lasting effect on our whole being. Slowing down to think more, see more, and observe more, will help you to achieve the desired result.
“Perspective” becomes a tool, a sort of catalyst when used in combination with “patience.” By combining patience with perspective, the two together create a powerful catalyst that helps you experience “waiting” in a new light.